PS3 specific notes: this version is ideal for local couch co-op madness with friends. Secondly, there are just 10 or so levels (they also branch in their final thirds and each branch features different bosses) but you 'll have to replay them a few times each for farming reasons and this process can be tiresome and repetitive. Firstly, battles can become chaotic (especially on 4-player mode) so there can be a feeling of the game being just about mashing buttons and hoping to survive. The game has a few minor downsides though. Sure some heroes have exaggerated body proportions (the Sorceress has huge "bosoms", the Fighter and the Amazon have ridiculously huge muscles), but they are done in a nice, comical way. Nice hand-crafted 2D graphics, a beautiful art style, easy to understand mechanics, addictive gameplay, 6 heroes with different play-styles, a decent main story with a narrator, 3 difficulty modes (you begin at normal then hard and infernal, each difficulty having a level cap), nice boss battles, up to 4-player co-op (local, online or a mix of them), cross-play with PS Vita players, a versus mode (named Colosseum), even a mode with randomly re-arranged levels called Labyrinth of Chaos (it's mostly meant for high level players). Nice hand-crafted 2D graphics, a beautiful Dragon's Crown is a fantastic and fun co-op fantasy RPG beat-'em-up. Dragon's Crown is a fantastic and fun co-op fantasy RPG beat-'em-up.